Have a computerized Rolodex/messagepad/datebook? Love how it works, but hate the huge amount of hard drive space that it takes up?
Than Phone List is the answer. This tiny (only 14k!) stack can take care of many of those Rolodex/messagepad/datebook horrors.
It features:
• Space for name and address block
• Full search capability over all fields
• Automated phone dialing
• Scrolling field that holds up to six pages of text for messages, etc.
• Virtually unlimited database size
• Copy and paste functionality works in all Macintosh applications
• Automatic, personalized messaging and time stamping
• Inexpensive
Requires HyperCard 1.2 or later or HyperCard Player.
For all of these features, I only ask for a mere 15$(US) ! Imagine, being able to reuse all of that hard disk space that was taken up by that mammoth Rolodex/messagepad/datebook.
An registration form and documentation are included in this archive. Please read and print them to pay the shareware fee and for future reference. If you wish to redistribute Phone List, Please make sure that all three files are included in the archive.